One of my favorite conversations with anyone centers around how to navigate the STUCK moments in life. Fortunately, I caught one of these conversations on video!
My dear friend, fellow coach, and musical colleague agreed to share her thoughts and ideas on STUCK. Ann Marie had some powerful perspectives on STUCK.
She revealed that she realizes that even though she has "felt" STUCK plenty of times in her life, she never actually was STUCK. She can look back and see how there was constant, steady progress even in those uncertain moments.
Therein lies the opportunity of being STUCK. STUCK brings change. It brings progress. And it brings growth. Because of this, as long as we don't fall into the Inner Critic trap, we can learn to view STUCK in a positive light. But getting out of the clutches of the Inner Critic is the key, according to Ann Marie.
The Inner Critic is that voice that says limiting things to us like, "you'll never be able to do __________ because you're not good enough." Or it might say, "you don't deserve to have ___________." Each of us has this inner critic.
Believe it or not, the Inner Critic means well! It shows up whenever we are about to do something new. Any new endeavor has inherent risks. We could make mistakes. We could out right fail! The Inner Critic swoops in to try and prevent us from doing anything new so that we stay SAFE.
But if you've ever needed to make a change in your life, you know that SAFE isn't always what's best for us. SAFE tends to keep us STUCK.
Ann Marie shared some empowering ideas on how to navigate the Inner Critic in times of STUCK in the following episode of Growing in Uncertainty. As an Integral Coach, Ann Marie says that her process involves the whole body and all senses. When we can drop into the body, we can step away from the head, which is where the Inner Critic resides.
So, drop out of your head and into your heart space as you enjoy this episode of Growing in Uncertainty with Ann Marie Jones.