There’s a mixed bag of emotions stepping into 2021 for many of us. Some are confident that it will inevitably be “better than” 2020. How could it be worse?! Others are leery of pinning hopes on the new year. They thought 2020 would be “their year,” and look how that turned out! I’m feeling that mixed bag too.
Given that, how do I feel about setting resolutions or intentions for a new year of unknowns?
No thank you!
That’s why I want to do something different this year. I want a way to stay focused on something that will empower me. I want to “stay in my lane” as to what I can accomplish and stop getting distracted by things that aren’t mine to do. And I want to refocus when challenges arise in 2021. Let’s be honest- the challenges initiated by 2020 aren’t over yet. I want to show up for those challenges in an empowered way.
How am I planning to do that?
I chose a FOCUS WORD for 2021! This is a concept I’ve heard of for several years but never had the guts to try until now.
In the latest episode of Growing in Uncertainty, I share my 2021 word, how I chose it, and what I intend to gain this year. My hope is that anything I learn will help you on your journey too!